Dirty newspaper, paper.
Soiled/dirty paper cannot be recycled, but can be turned into worthy compost in your FOGO bin, or personal compost/worm farm.
"Having served an honourable yet unpleasant purpose in life, this decrepit creature can now help to sustain compost heaps, and the hardworking worms therein. However, be careful to keep it away from your clean sorting."
Did you accidentally leave your newspaper out in the rain? Perhaps you have a new puppy, and decided the front page stories are best at being the front end solution to the toilet training... Either way, our stinky, mushy friend Crumple here is best left to the compost heap.
If you used the newspaper as flooring while painting, always make sure the paint is non-toxic for your composting solutions. Many paints are dangerous chemicals and can hurt your little worm farmers - check the label/packaging first!
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Herdsman Lake Discovery Centre
Corner of Flynn and Selby Street, Wembley, 6014
9387 6079
Also available (soon) on the Dapper Cranium Studios Ko-Fi store