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The Binnies

The Sorting Icons in Bin Off are a generalisation. Proper recycling and waste management aren’t simple, but with a little help, we can all take charge of our own junk!

Binnie Encyclopaedia

Proper recycling and waste management aren’t simple, but with a little help, we can all take charge of our own junk!


Make sure you understand what each icon means. Bin Off takes a generalised approach to Waste Sorting, but this page, and the Binnie descriptions, aims to give you comprehensive info on how to appropriately sort each item.

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Recycling Centre

These places are depositories of wonder for waste sorting! But in Bin Off, the Recycling Centre Sorting Icon is used as an ‘umbrella category’. Some of the items that say they go to the Recycling Centre should generally be taken elsewhere. Like Pilly the Blister Pack. Some pharmacies can appropriately dispose of these. Or Aaaron the Batteries should be taken to B-Cycle dropoff points.

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Yellow Bin

Kerbside Recycling Bin - your standard solution to most recycling. Try to think how else you can use items that you might otherwise just drop here. Many recyclable items can be reused around the house, with a bit of initiative and creativity.

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Red Bin

General Waste - This used to be the “chuck it and forget it” bin. We want to minimise what ends up in here, both in the game (claiming the Red Bin only gives 1 point!) and in real life!

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Green Bin

Green-lidded FOGO or GO bin - organic material has the wondrous potential to give new life. The ultimate recycling, your FOGO bin will take most food and garden organics, and turn it into usable, natural fertilizer. Most items that can go in here can also be composted at home, or with your own worm farm.

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Herdsman Lake Discovery Centre


Corner of Flynn and Selby Street, Wembley, 6014


9387 6079


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